Bangsamoro’s econ dev’t committee tackles sectoral issues

by Dec 3, 2021News0 comments

COTABATO CITY — Members of the Economic Development Committee (EDCom), a sectoral committee of the Bangsamoro Economic and Development Council (BEDC), convened today, December 3, for its third special meeting to tackle issues in the economic sector of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

The special meeting held in Pagana Kutawato and via Zoom video teleconference was presided by Rohanisah Rashid, Chief of BPDA’s Economic Planning Division (EPD), who represented Engr. Mohajirin T. Ali, BPDA Director General, committee co-chairperson and head of the technical secretariat.

In line with the preparation for the 1st BARMM Donors Forum, Rosslaini Alonto-Sinarimbo, Director General of the Ministry of Trade, Investments, and Tourism (MTIT), proposed for the creation of a technical working group that will lead in the installation of EDCom’s sectoral booth display for the upcoming event. Moreover, the physical preparation for the sectoral booth display shall be spearheaded by the Cooperative and Social Enterprise Authority (CSEA-BARMM).

Sinarimbo also proposed for the creation of the “Sub-Committee on Economic Growth and Linkage (EGL)” as there is no committee specifically handling the economic growth linkage of the Bangsamoro.

“It is very much similar to the EGL that we have here during the ARMM because this committee will facilitate our BIMP-EAGA activities and since we are also proposing to be part of barter trading, I think it will fall under it,” she said.

Furthermore, Marina B. Wahab, Regional Manager III of the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA-BARMM), presented the proposed adoption of the Bangsamoro Farmers and Industry Development Plan 2022-2026.

According to Wahab, the implementation of Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund (CFIDP) Act in BARMM through Regional Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (RCFIDP) aims to increase income and productivity of coconut farmers; poverty alleviation, education and social equity; and rehabilitation and modernization of the coconut industry. Said plan is subject for the final inputs of the member ministries to be submitted on December 10, 2021.

Meanwhile, other matters discussed were the inclusion of the Ministry of Public Works as additional member to the said committee and presentation of the updates on the preparation of the Bangsamoro Food Security and Nutrition Plan 2021-2025.

Also present in today’s meeting were representatives from the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR), Labor and Employment (MOLE), Science and Technology (MOST), Environment, Natural Resources and Energy (MENRE), Finance, Budget and Management (MFBM), Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), and Regional Board of Investments (RBOI). (BPDA-BARMM)